Our Young Volunteers are in Srebrenica!
The Youth Work Camp, hosted by MFS Emmaus, which is active in humanitarian aid, education, youth and health in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is being held between 14 July-25 July 2024. The camp, which was attended by 7 young volunteers from Bülbülzade Foundation and Anadolu Student Union, aims to help the construction of a campground for young people in the Pale region of Srebrenica.
In the camp, which started with the opening speech of Nermin Alivuković, President of the Association of Srebrenica Mothers, young volunteers support the construction work while participating in cultural activities. Young people from different countries such as Turkey, Belgium, France, Serbia and Bosnia have the opportunity to cooperate with each other and have cultural exchanges.
On July 25, the camp will end with a film festival called Silver Frame. They also organized trips to the history of the Srebrenica massacre and visited the mothers of the martyrs who lost their lives in this painful event. In the last days of the camp, a trip to Sarajevo will be organized and the young people will have the opportunity to explore other historical and cultural sites of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The youth work camp, which is attended by nearly 70 young people from different countries and cultures, increases the social awareness of young people and enables them to establish international friendships.