15 Kasım 2024
Supported by the Turkish National Agency and implemented by the Green Hope Association, “Young People Protect Nature: Green Skills” project is an Erasmus+ KA152 project.This project is carried out in cooperation with EMU Association from France, Us Akademiker Plattform from Germany and Bridge Association from North Macedonia. Within the scope of the project, two mobilizations are planned, one in Gaziantep and one in Strasbourg.Project DescriptionChanges in atmospheric composition due to natural processes and external factors, or changes caused by the continuous effects of humans on land use, deeply affect the world we live in and lead to the problem of climate change. In addition to natural processes, human activities play a more significant role in climate change. In particular, the wasteful consumption of natural resources threatens humanity and other living creatures on earth, and the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and the release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere change the course of the world in a negative way. Problems such as the decrease in habitat diversity, extreme weather events, ocean acidification, increased migration movements, disruption of the food chain, and the spread of diseases are some of the problems we are experiencing now and will increase in the future due to climate change. This problem, which is multiplying day by day, affects not only the natural environment but also the living beings that are the natural elements of this environment. Climate change and the ecological crisis, which have been a serious agenda item in recent years due to the visible increase in their effects, force countries and international organizations to take steps in this regard. The European Convention on the Environment, the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen Climate Summit and the Paris Agreement are some of the steps taken on a global scale on climate change. However, in order to overcome this process, which has become a problem on a global scale, in a healthy way, a collective consciousness that covers all people living in the world is required. Mitigating climate change and its impacts is vital for preserving the diversity of life on Earth and maintaining the health and stability of ecosystems. In particular, the fact that young people, who are the target group of our project, have environmental awareness, and the development of their environmental awareness will contribute to a resilient future. Our project aims to spread environmental awareness among young people due to the above-mentioned problems.In this context, the objectives of the project are as follows:- To draw the attention of young people to global environmental issues, - Understanding environmental issues, contributing to young people's adaptation to changing environmental conditions and efforts to build resilience in their communities,- To demonstrate the importance of a clean and healthy environment for the well-being and resilience of living things on Earth, - Raising awareness of the costs of pollution and the advantages of renewable energy sources, - To draw attention to the relationship between environmental awareness and global citizenship, - Promote the democratic participation of young people in various problems and issues, especially environmental issues, - Defining the concept of environmental justice and brainstorming to develop fair solutions, - Encouraging young people to participate in tree planting campaigns, clean-up activities, green space advocacy, - To understand the importance of young people being role models for their peers and other stakeholders of society in their social environment, - To contribute to raising awareness among young people about leaving a more resilient environment for future generations.The other objectives of the project are to help young people to establish transnational social networks, to familiarize them with the values of the European Union, to familiarize them with the concept of active citizenship, as well as to lead activities that will improve the quality of youth work.