18 Ağustos 2023
17th Anatolian Meetings were held The 17th Anatolian Gatherings, organized annually by the Anatolian Federation, was held at May Thermal Hotel in Afyonkarahisar Sandıklı between August 14-18. The first day of the 5-day program started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and continued with a cinevision show. Mehmet Alpcan, member of the board of directors of the Anatolian Federation, made a presentation speech. The program continued with the speech of Şamil Kılıçparlar, President of the Anatolian Student Union. In his speech, Kılıçparlar talked about the "Read and Comment" project of the Anatolian Student Union. Then, the program continued with the speech of Gazi Kılıçparlar, Head of the Human Values and Organization Unit of the Anatolian Federation, on the topic of "Anatolian Federation Earthquake Process Studies". For the special session of the program, Seyfullah Kar, President of Yeryüzü Youth and Sports Association, moderated by the views and evaluations of the participants, "What did we experience during the Earthquake Days? What did we do during the earthquake days?" session was held with the title. Day 1 ended with the organization and unit meetings held after the opinions and evaluations.The second day started with the opening seminar speech of Turgay Aldemir, President of the Foundation. Afterwards, Ahmet Kot, Founder of Balıkesir Library, Erkan Çav, Psychologist Dr. Mehmet Başkak, İbrahim Bahar, Hüseyin Özhazar, Rabia Aldemir continued with greeting speeches. On the 2nd day, Necmi Gürsakal presented "Transformative Effects of Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotic Applications" and Ahmet Kaplan, Head of IZU Computer Engineering Department, presented "Guiding Technological Transformation with Wisdom".While the 17th Anatolian Meetings continued with hall session programs and breakout meetings, the 3rd Anatolian Children's Meetings were also held. In the Children's Meetings, many activities were organized with the aim of teaching by having fun for children to have a pleasant time. In the 2nd session of the second day, Savaş S. Barkçin made a presentation titled "Safety, Security and Driving License". Following the presentation, organization and unit meetings and special sessions ended the 2nd day.In Session 1 of the third day, Bülent Gülçubuk presented "The Effects of Climate, Food and Environmental Changes on the Production and Lifestyles of Societies on the Basis of Resilience" and Ömer Altaş, General Manager of Eksen Publishing Group, presented "Turkey Perspective in the Context of Resilient Society". In the 2nd Session, Şaban Ali Düzgün, Head of the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences at AU Faculty of Theology, made a presentation titled "Development by Conflict: "On the Relationship between Religion and Social Development Dynamics", and in the 3rd Session, Mehmet Uçum, Chief Advisor to the President, made a presentation titled "Resilient Society or Subject Society in a Transforming World?". After the sessions, Day 3 ended with organization and unit meetings, Anatolian Federation Board of Directors meetings and special sessions.In the 1st session of the fourth day, Mehmet Lütfü Arslan, President of Istanbul Center for Intellectual and Social Research, presented "Competent People and Governance Model Suggestions for a Resilient Society", Author Halit Bekiroğlu presented "How should a Resilient NGO be for a Resilient Society?", Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kızılay presented "Health and Resilient Society". In Session 2, Ömer Torlak's "Examination of Intergenerational Differences in the Construction of a Resilient Society", Prof. Dr. Ayşen Gürcan "Variables of a Resilient Family", and in Session 3, Snow Consulting CEO M. Furkan Yaşar made presentations on "Human-Centered, Sustainable Economic Approaches in a Transforming World" and Yavuz Yiğit "Resilient Youth". In addition, the show prepared by children for the 3rd Anatolian Children's Meetings was exhibited on the stage.After the sessions, the speakers were presented with gifts.On the fifth day of the program, Turgay Aldemir, the President of the Foundation, made a thank you speech. He thanked the participants, organization and media team. 17th Anatolian Meetings ended after the collective photo shoot.