As part of the 18th Anatolian Meetings, various events and meetings were organized.
The Student Assembly meeting started with the opening speech of Şamil Kılıçparlar. After the introduction process, the participants were informed about the mission and vision of the Anatolian Student Union. Gazi Kılıçparlar emphasized the importance of adapting and accepting change in a changing world and reminded the traditional value of Anatolian Meetings. Turgay Aldemir drew attention to the responsibilities of young people by discussing the concept of “human degradation”. Mustafa Sefa Çakır, in his speech on “Being Present at University”, emphasized the important points in the competencies of university students, foreign language learning, undergraduate graduation score and reading habits, and touched upon the preparation processes for the future. After the speech, a question and answer session was held with the participants.
On the other hand, educators from foundations and associations affiliated to the Anatolian Federation attended the meeting organized by the Teacher Unit as part of the Anatolian Meetings. During the meeting, ideas were exchanged about the educational activities carried out throughout the year. Turgay Aldemir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Anatolian Federation, wished the educators success.
The Secondary Education High School Commission organized a meeting event with high school students, followed by a Jerusalem poetry workshop. Young people wrote their poems by searching for an answer to the question “What kind of poem would you write if you were a child in Jerusalem?”.
In addition, Akadder's organizational meeting was held on Tuesday, August 27 in Kızılcahamam, Ankara. At the meeting, the participants of Anatolian Meetings and the agenda topics of Akadder special sessions were discussed. On the same day, at the Akadder acquaintance meeting moderated by Gülistan Keleş, participants from various regions of Anatolia shared information about their fields of work and good practices.