The Computer Laboratory and Study Center organized by Bülbülzade Foundation and Süreyya Association was opened in Nurdağı Nur 1-C Container City. The opening program was attended by the President of Bülbülzade Foundation Turgay Aldemir, Bülbülzade Foundation Earthquake Region Coordinator Zemzem Çetin, Bülbülzade Foundation members and volunteers, Süreyya Association Board Member Ayşegül Karasu, Süreyya Association members and volunteers, Nurdağı District Director of National Education Musa Yıldırım, local residents and children.
The opening program started with greeting speeches and various children's games. After the opening speeches of the protocol members participating in the program, the opening ribbon was cut.
The Study Center and Computer Laboratory, furnished by Süreyya Association, will contribute to the education of young people living in Container City and support them to step into a brighter future. In addition to enabling students to study individually, one-to-one online lessons will be given by university students on a voluntary basis.
We would like to thank all our members and volunteers who contributed to the opening of the Study Center and Computer Lab.