Migration Assessment Meeting at Gaziantep Governorship
Migration Assessment Meeting at Gaziantep Governorship
Migration Assessment Meeting at Gaziantep Governorship

Migration Assessment Meeting at Gaziantep Governorship

07 Ağustos 2024

On August 6, 2024, Kemal Çeber, Governor of Gaziantep, Deputy Governors and heads of relevant institutions attended the migration meeting held at Gaziantep Governorship. Turgay Aldemir, President of Bülbülzade Foundation, Mustafa Hüseyin, President of Gaziantep Syrian Community and representatives of migrant services center also took part in the meeting.

Gaziantep Governor Kemal Çeber stated that every suggestion and problem expressed at the meeting will be meticulously examined and necessary actions will be taken. Çeber emphasized that the policies implemented by our state regarding migration and migrants should be trusted, that everything is taken into consideration and that these issues should be acted with mixed sensitivity.

The Provincial Police Chief and Provincial Gendarmerie Commander stated that they are working sensitively to ensure peace in the city. Turgay Aldemir, President of Bülbülzade Foundation, emphasized the importance of holding regular meetings and stated that the news spread on social media should be sensitive and resolved. He also emphasized the importance of directing high school-age children to education in Gaziantep and in the safe zone. Mr. Aldemir stated that Syrian associations could organize activities for host citizens and Turkish civil society organizations could organize activities for refugees.

The meeting concluded with solutions and cooperation proposals to reinforce the desire of Syrians and Turkish society to live together.

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