“Talking Islam with Young People” Workshop was held
On Saturday, February 22, 2025, the workshop titled “Talking Islam with Young People” organized by Bülbülzade Foundation Education and Teacher Unit was held at Zade Life Hotel within the foundation. Educators, university and high school students, academics and experts participated in the program.
The workshop started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. Then, Ayşegül Ağcalar Günaslan, a member of the Education and Teacher Unit, gave a general information about the purpose and objectives of the organization. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahsum Aytepe, one of the academicians of Gaziantep Islamic Science and Technology University, made a presentation titled “New Generation and the Place of Faith in the Modern World”.
The seminar explained how the new generation makes sense of religious teachings, how they redefine the place of traditional religious questions in the modern world, how scientific developments, social change, digital culture and global interactions shape religious thought, the effects of factors such as religious and cultural conflicts, social media, digitalization on religious perceptions, the difficulties young people face when approaching religion, internal conflicts and social pressures.
The program continued with Prof. Dr. Şaban Ali Düzgün's conference on “Youth at the foot of the steep slope”, which was presented via online connection. After the presentations, an interactive question and answer session was held with the participants.
Participants actively exchanged ideas in workshops consisting of five different topics.
Workshop Topics
1. “Social Media and Young People's World of Faith: Religious Identity in Digital Times”
This workshop explored how social media shapes young people's religious identities. The use of digital platforms as a tool for questioning, learning and sharing beliefs was discussed. The balance of religious identity between authenticity and societal pressures was discussed and how social media can enrich religious experiences.
2. “Religious Dilemmas Faced by Young People”
In this workshop, the dilemmas that young people face in their daily lives with their religious beliefs were discussed. The difficulties of young people in preserving their religious values in modern society as they encounter different cultures, beliefs and social norms were discussed. The focus was on the conflicts between religious teachings and societal expectations, family values and individual freedom. Participants explored these dilemmas and shared their experiences on coping strategies.
3. “Young People's Religious Questioning Processes in Modern Society”
In this workshop, participants discussed their religious beliefs, social pressures and questioning processes. The conflicts they experience while questioning their beliefs were discussed and how this process can be managed. It was emphasized that questioning religion is not about rejecting faith, but about building a more meaningful faith.
4. “Religious Identity Development of Young People and Its Psychological Dimensions”
In this workshop, the interaction of religious identity development with psychological and social development was discussed. Participants examined the influence of factors such as family, society, peer groups and the media on religious identity. They also discussed the conflicts and psychological difficulties experienced during religious identity development and how these processes can be managed. The effects of religious identity on self-esteem, belonging and coping with social pressures were discussed.
5. “Religion Against Religion”
The workshops discussed the diversity and contrasts within religion and the contrasts between different denominations and religious movements. In the workshops, participants learned how to see these contradictions as richness, opportunities to develop religious tolerance and healthy communication, and to raise awareness about accepting religious diversity.
The program ended with a closing and evaluation speech by Turgay Aldemir, President of Bülbülzade Foundation.
The workshop was conducted using the station method, with each topic lasting 20 minutes. The report of the workshop will be prepared and published by a team.