Turgay Aldemir, President of Anatolian Federation, Mustafa Hüseyin, President of Gaziantep Syrian Community and Adem Er, Secretary General of Bülbülzade Foundation visited Ibrahim Baraa, Provincial Director of Culture of Aleppo, in his office.
During the visit, discussions were held about the new situation in Syria. Detailed information was given about the Anatolian Cultural Centers, Common Future Meetings, Civil Communication and Coordination Meetings and Aleppo Liaison and Consultancy Office that Bülbülzade Foundation has carried out so far on Syria and migration issues. In addition, ideas were exchanged on the projects planned to be realized in Syria in the new period.
In particular, consultations were held on the Aleppo Anatolian Cultural Center project planned to be opened in Aleppo and the location of the center.
At the end of the visit, the Arabic works and reports published by the federation were presented to İbrahim Baraa by Turgay Aldemir, President of the Anatolian Federation. The visit ended after the collective photo shoot.