“Thematic Readings” Continue at Mosaic Association
“Thematic Readings” Continue at Mosaic Association
“Thematic Readings” Continue at Mosaic Association

“Thematic Readings” Continue at Mosaic Association

27 Mayıs 2024

Tafsir readings organized by the Mosaic Women's Association within the scope of the Thematic Readings Program continue.

On Saturday, May 24, in the program held at the Bülbülzade Foundation Center, the topic of “Culture of Ambiguity” was discussed by Rabia Aldemir, President of the Mosaic Association, within the framework of Surah Zumar 23 and Surah Ali Imran 7.

In the program, which has been continuing regularly since September, the contributions of the participants discussed the difference between ambiguity and ambiguity, the multiple narration of truth, and the culture of ambiguity in society.


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