Şehitkamil AK Party District Chairman İsmail Güler and the accompanying delegation visited Bülbülzade Foundation. During the visit, Foundation President Turgay Aldemir gave comprehensive information about the activities and projects of the foundation.
During the meeting, the artistic, sportive, cultural and educational activities of Bülbülzade Foundation were discussed. It was emphasized that the projects carried out within the foundation appeal to all segments of the society and especially the work for the development of young people is at the forefront.
The delegation was also informed about the nature and environmental activities carried out by the Foundation within the scope of Forestry activities. It was stated that these projects of the Foundation aiming to raise environmental awareness were appreciated.
At the end of the visit, District President İsmail Güler expressed his satisfaction for the contributions of Bülbülzade Foundation to Gaziantep and its surroundings and emphasized the importance of such cooperation and projects.