Anatolian Cultural Centers were visited
Anatolian Cultural Centers were visited
22 Ekim 2024
Within the framework of Bülbülzade Foundation's educational, cultural and artistic activities, a delegation from the Foundation's Migration Unit visited the Al Bab and Jarablus Anatolian Cultural Centers located in safe regions.During the visit, the active functioning of the cultural centers, the activities carried out, the educational processes and the situation of the educators and students involved in these processes were discussed. In addition, classes were visited and one-to-one meetings were held with teachers and students.The centers continue their educational and various activities without interruption. Bülbülzade Foundation officials stated that such visits contribute to the development of the centers and prepare the ground for strengthening cooperation.
Touch Life Orphan Association Children's Event
Touch Life Orphan Association Children's Event
22 Ekim 2024
Touch Life Orphan Association organized a full event for children at Bülbülzade Foundation Kurtuluş Forest.The children's event included face painting, sack races and various games. In addition, saplings were planted with high school students to leave a trace in the Kurtuluş Forest.We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organization of the children's event.
Education and Teacher Unit Meeting
Education and Teacher Unit Meeting
19 Ekim 2024
The meetings of the Education and Teacher Unit operating within the Bülbülzade Foundation continue.In the meeting; Bekam Focus Group meetings, thematic reading lists, children's books reading groups, concept sets and book analysis agendas were discussed.The Education and Teacher Unit will continue its sessions with specific agendas and topics throughout the semester.
Mosaic Association Tafsir Readings Second Lecture
Mosaic Association Tafsir Readings Second Lecture
19 Ekim 2024
The second lesson of Mozaik Family and Women's Association Tafsir Readings was held on Friday, October 18, 2024, hosted by Bülbülzade Foundation.The Tafsir Lesson was held with the subtitle “Surah Asr”. In the lesson; “In absolute terms, how can man get rid of it if he is in waste and corruption? How do we use time, which is very important for us? With which of our works and deeds do we realize the importance of our existence? With which of our deeds can we stop deterioration or get rid of waste? Which of our deeds cause corruption?” Ideas and thoughts on the topics were discussed.The next Tafsir class will be held on Friday, November 01, 2024 with the title “Social Corruption, Social Decay”.
Visit to our Foundation from the Sports Community
Visit to our Foundation from the Sports Community
19 Ekim 2024
Ministry of Youth and Sports Gaziantep Provincial Director Mustafa Ertunç, Gaziantep Şehitkamil Municipality Sports Club President and Gaziantep Şehitkamil Municipality Sports Club Football Director visited our foundation.The guest delegation, who made a program on Şafak Radio, which is under the body of our foundation, then visited our foundation president.During the meeting, information was shared about the activities of the Provincial Directorate of Youth Sports and Şehitkamil Municipality Sports Club. In addition, information about Istikrar Sports Club, which is within the body of our foundation, was shared.Consultations were made about the work that can be done together.
Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Martyred
Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar Martyred
18 Ekim 2024
“Yes, I am afraid of death! I am afraid of dying in my bed like an old camel, I am afraid of dying of a heart attack or a traffic accident. I am not afraid of dying in the way of Allah for my religion, my homeland and my sacredness. Our life and blood are not worth the smallest martyr.”
“A Breakfast of Infinite Acquaintance”
“A Breakfast of Infinite Acquaintance”
12 Ekim 2024
Anatolian Students' Union organized the acquaintance breakfast called “One Breakfast Endless Acquaintance” at Gaziantep University Youth Center.In the program, the participants were informed about the duties and responsibilities of the Anatolian Student Union, the activities carried out in the past and the activities planned in the new period. The event was organized for students to meet and establish new ties.The breakfast program ended with a recital of kanun and saz.
Child Studies Introductory Program
Child Studies Introductory Program
09 Ekim 2024
An introductory program for children between the ages of 4 and 9 was organized by the Children and Youth Studies Commission. In the program, various trainings that children will attend on Saturdays such as values education, Quran, surah memorization, storytelling, workshops and speaking club were introduced.In the event where all course group teachers, students and parents came together, acquaintance and mingling games were organized.The Meet and Greet Program ended with a group photo session.
Gaziantep Trip for Students in the Earthquake Zone
Gaziantep Trip for Students in the Earthquake Zone
09 Ekim 2024
After the February 6 earthquakes, a trip to Gaziantep was organized for high school students living in Nurdağı container city.The trip included a visit to the Zoo, Panorama Museum and Gaziantep Culture Tour. They also visited Bülbülzade Foundation. During the visit, Turgay Aldemir, Chairman of the Board of the Bülbülzade Foundation, addressed the young people and emphasized the importance of solidarity and being together.Turgay Aldemir said, “Do not forget that the difficulties you experience will make you stronger. We are always with you” and gave a message of support. During the meeting, there were discussions on reading recommendations and the importance of kindness for healing.This trip was organized under the leadership of Bülbülzade Foundation in order to heal the wounds of the February 6 earthquake and to raise hope in the hearts of students.
Mosaic Women's Association New Term Opening Program
Mosaic Women's Association New Term Opening Program
08 Ekim 2024
Mosaic Women's Association organized an opening program introducing its activities for 2024-2025. Members and volunteers of the association showed great interest in the program. The New Term Opening Program started with the welcoming speeches of Rabia Aldemir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mozaik Women's Association and Turgay Aldemir, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bülbülzade Foundation.The board members informed the participants about the course groups, university, secondary education, children and student activities.The New Term Opening Program ended with a group photo shoot.
Mosaic Women's Association Tafsir Readings
Mosaic Women's Association Tafsir Readings
08 Ekim 2024
Mosaic Women's Association Tafsir Readings started with the subtitle “Human Degradation”. The opening text of the 18th Anatolian Meetings by Turgay Aldemir, President of the Anatolian Federation, Mustafa Tekin's presentation titled “Two Tools of Human Degradation: New Identity(s) and Gender” by Mustafa Tekin and Mehmet Görmez's presentation on ‘The War on Fıtrata and Your Idea Watch’ were discussed interactively.The next Tafsir class will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024 with the title “Surah Asr”. 
World Blind Humanity Careless
World Blind Humanity Careless
07 Ekim 2024
It has been one year since the October 7 invasion, when the Zionist mind, which knows how to bomb hospitals and schools, without even mentioning children, women and the elderly, continued its genocide against the oppressed in Palestine. We condemn Zionism and its servants by always standing against the genocide and occupation plan initiated by the Zionists to occupy the Middle East while condemning the cynical and reckless behavior of Muslim state rulers. We call on the world family of humanity to stand up against this drama. We are determined to protect human dignity for the liberation of Jerusalem, the common value of humanity. 

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