Iftar Program at Islahiye Child Life Center
Iftar Program at Islahiye Child Life Center
07 Nisan 2024
We organized an iftar program and various activities for children in Murat Sural Container City in Islahiye with Kutu Kutu Tebessüm volunteers.Street activities, Hacivat Karagöz show, various games and cotton candy distribution took place during the day before the iftar program held in the Children's Life Center, which we built in the container city and offered to the service of our citizens affected by the earthquake.After the gifts were given to the children, the program ended after the iftar meal.As Bülbülzade Foundation, we continue to operate in the field with our teams since the first day of the earthquake.
Traditional Ramadan Consultation
Traditional Ramadan Consultation
06 Nisan 2024
"Ramadan Consultation", which we traditionally organize every year as Bülbülzade Foundation, was held at the foundation center this year with the participation of our volunteers.The speakers of the Ramadan Consultation, where the activities of our foundation were evaluated and opinions on the planning of the next period were received, were Anadolu Federation Board Member Mahsum Aytepe, Bülbülzade Foundation Board Members Rabia Aldemir and Fadime Eminoğlu.The Ramadan Consultation, where the topics of "Good Person, Effective Word, Lasting Work", "Volunteerism and Foundation People" and "Lesson Rings-Reading Groups" were discussed, ended with the evaluation speech of Turgay Aldemir, President of Bülbülzade Foundation. 
Migration Unit Organized Iftar Program with Syrian Opinion Leaders
Migration Unit Organized Iftar Program with Syrian Opinion Leaders
03 Nisan 2024
A meeting of Syrian opinion leaders and iftar program was organized with the participation of Gaziantep Governor Kemal Çeber and provincial directors.Gaziantep Governor Kemal Çeber, Gaziantep MP Bünyamin Bozgeyik, Bülbülzade Foundation President Turgay Aldemir, Provincial Police Chief Celal Özcan, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Halil Şen, Provincial Director of National Education Yasin Tepe, Provincial Director of Migration Management Mehmet Erkoç, NGO representatives, writers and opinion leaders attended the Syrian opinion leaders meeting organized by the Migrant Services Center and Gaziantep Syrian Community under the coordination of Bülbülzade Foundation.At the meeting; returns, problems identified in the field and solution proposals, education and aid work, work in safe zones and developments in the country's agenda were discussed.
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Fifth Iftar Program
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Fifth Iftar Program
02 Nisan 2024
Touch Life Orphan Association added a new one to the iftar programs organized during Ramadan. A large number of participants attended the fifth program. Theater artists and children were the ones who enlivened the program which attracted great interest.We would like to thank the volunteers who supported the iftar program.
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized the Fourth Iftar Program
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized the Fourth Iftar Program
30 Mart 2024
Touch Life Orphan Association held the fourth of its Iftar Programs during Ramadan.Clown and Hacivat Karagöz shows were exhibited after the Iftar Program.We would like to thank the volunteers who provided all kinds of support for the Iftar program.
Teacher Commission Organized Iftar Program
Teacher Commission Organized Iftar Program
27 Mart 2024
Turgay Aldemir, President of the Foundation, Mehmet Nezir Gül, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Education of the Ministry of National Education, Cemal Gülistan, Şahinbey District Director of National Education, Zekeriya Efiloğlu, Head of GBB Youth Services and Sports Department, representatives of education unions and NGOs, volunteer teachers and their families and many guests attended the iftar program.Speaking at the program, Mesut Aydağ, the head of the Teacher Commission, mentioned the activities of Bülbülzade Foundation Teacher Commission during the pandemic and earthquake. He emphasized that teachers and education are at the center of everything.The program ended after the speeches and mutual conversation.
"Dress Another Child" Campaign Started
"Dress Another Child" Campaign Started
27 Mart 2024
As Bülbülzade Foundation, we have been gifting thousands of children and families in need every year since 1994.In our Foundation's Clothing Store, we offer our families and children the opportunity to buy clothes as if they were shopping.We would like to thank our precious donors for their great contributions in providing this opportunity. 
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Third Iftar Program
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Third Iftar Program
26 Mart 2024
Touch Life Orphan Association organized the third of its Iftar Programs during Ramadan. The iftar program, where theater performances were held for children, witnessed fun moments.We would like to thank the volunteers who supported the iftar program.
Iftar with our Home Character Education Students
Iftar with our Home Character Education Students
23 Mart 2024
Character Education at Home organized an iftar program with students, parents and educators on Saturday, March 23rd.The iftar dinner held at the foundation center started with the recitation of the Holy Quran and its translation.After the iftar dinner, the program continued with Ata Taşkın's Hacivat Karagöz shadow play and Kaf Mountain Storyteller Yusuf Duru's Meddah show and storytelling.The Character Education at Home iftar dinner ended with the gifts given to the children to commemorate the day.
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Second Iftar Program
Touch Life Orphan Association Organized Second Iftar Program
22 Mart 2024
Touch Life Orphan Association held the second of its Iftar Programs during Ramadan. Theater artists and children were the ones who enlivened the program which was attended by a large number of participants. We would like to thank Ali Tekin, the sponsor of the Iftar program, and the volunteers for their support.The Iftar program ended with mingling.
Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies Yavuz Selim Kıran visited our Foundation
Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies Yavuz Selim Kıran visited our Foundation
21 Mart 2024
Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies Yavuz Selim Kıran visited our Foundation on Wednesday, March 20. Among the topics discussed during the visit were projects for children and Eke work, migration and migrants, and the work carried out in the earthquake zone for 13 months.We would like to thank Mr. Yavuz Selim and Mr. Mutlu, Provincial Director of Family and Social Policies for their visit. 
Tradesmen Commission Organized Iftar Program
Tradesmen Commission Organized Iftar Program
21 Mart 2024
The iftar program organized every year by the Tradesmen Commission operating within the Bülbülzade Foundation was held on Wednesday, March 20 at the Foundation headquarters. Tradesmen, public institutions, technical staff, office staff and many volunteers participated in the iftar program.The Iftar Program started with the recitation of the Holy Quran recited by Ali Topaloğlu. After the Iftar treats, a prayer was made by İbrahim Özmantar. As the program continued, Hamdi Keleş, Chairman of the Trades Commission, made an information and greeting speech about the activities carried out. In his speech, Hamdi Keleş shared information about many issues such as general programs, routine monthly morning prayers, forest activities, activities with families, summer courses for children, support for other commissions.He also stated that the effect of the earthquake last year, the labor, dedication and volunteers spent to heal the wounds, as well as the tradesmen are both active and materially with our earthquake-stricken citizens.The program continued with the recitation of the Holy Quran recited by Murat Uncuer.The Iftar Program ended with introductions and mingling in the following hours.

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