Visit to Abdulwahab Daas, Governor of Aleppo
14 Aralık 2024
Turgay Aldemir, President of Bülbülzade Foundation, together with the officials of the Anatolian Federation and the Foundation, visited Abdulvahap Daas, Governor of Aleppo. During this meeting, which was one of the important stops of the visit to Aleppo, various issues were discussed with the Governor of Aleppo.During the meeting, the new page opened by Aleppo after the fall of the Assad regime, the difficulties encountered in the reconstruction process, humanitarian needs and efforts to revitalize social life were discussed. In addition, information was given about the activities carried out by Bülbülzade Foundation for Syrian citizens in Turkey and safe regions since 2011.These activities included Common Future Meetings, Anatolian Cultural Centers, Civil Society Sessions, Media Projects, Social Cohesion Projects, published works in Arabic, “Syria's Voice” project carried out with Syria's opinion leaders, Muhajirs Documentary and many similar works.The visit ended after the exchange of mutual good wishes and wishes.