Life Giving Jobs Boarding Camp Ends
02 Ağustos 2024
Bülbülzade Foundation Life Giving Jobs Boarding Camp organized a special camp for girls between the ages of 13-17 between July 15-28. This camp, which contributed to the personal and social development of the students, offered young girls a full summer school with various workshops and lessons.Various workshops and classes were held during the camp. The workshops included; Kitchen Workshop, Sewing Workshop, Brooch Workshop, Applied Science Workshop, Drama, Psychology, Media Trip, Katre Trip, Foundation Trip. In the lessons organized; Qur'anic Parables, Exemplary Personalities, A Concept, A Surah, Article Readings, Book Analysis, Madamliness / Courtesy, Poetry Readings on Jerusalem were organized with various contents.During the camp, participants gained practical skills by learning how to cook in Kitchen Workshops, gained stage experience in Drama courses and learned to express themselves better. In addition, through activities such as the Foundation Trip and Media Trip, young people had the opportunity to learn about different fields and raise awareness on social issues. These various activities developed both their creative and social skills.On July 27-28, a nature camp was organized at the Gizem Doğan Campground. The nature camp provided participants with two enjoyable days of fun and educational activities. At the Gizem Doğan Campground, participants experienced various sports activities such as Archery, Climbing and Bocce. In the evening, participants gathered around the campfire and enjoyed music and conversations. On the last day of the camp, participants were given "Search and Rescue Training" to raise awareness on this important issue.The closing program of the camp allowed young people to share their experiences and achievements gained during the camp. This special event allowed the participants to showcase what they had learned and to see the progress they had made with their own eyes. The camp contributed greatly to the young girls getting to know themselves better, increasing their self-confidence and motivating them for a future full of inspiration. Bülbülzade Foundation's Life Giving Jobs Boarding Camp has made a significant improvement in the lives of the participants.