18th Anatolian Meetings were held in Kızılcahamam
30 Ağustos 2024
18th Anatolian Gatherings was held in Ankara Kızılcahamam Eliz Hotel between August 26 - 30, 2024. Day 1 of the Anatolian Meetings started with greetings and opening speeches. Various speakers made presentations and speeches throughout the program. Turgay Aldemir, Bülent Turan, Mehmet Baysan, Ahmet Kaplan, Ahmet Dağ, Mahsum Aytepe, Geeflow Musab, Mustafa Tekin, Üner Karabıyık, Muharrem Kılıç, Kudret Eren Yavuz, Muhammed Hamid el-Ahmari, Wadah Khanfar, Zahide Tuba Kor, Nihad Abunasser, Muhammed Hüseyin Mercan, Zehra Aldemir, Enbiya Yıldırım, Leyla Şahin Usta, Mehmet Görmez, Ali Yalçın were among the speakers.Breakout sessions and events held during the Anatolian Meetings; Akadder Organization Meeting, Children's Meetings, Secondary Education Workshops, Secondary School Workshops, Teacher Meetings, AÖB 19th Student Assembly, Akadder Meetings, Akadder Organization Meeting, Children's Meetings, Secondary Education Workshops, Middle School Workshops, Teacher Meetings, Teacher Meetings, AÖB 19th Student Assembly. Student Assembly, Akadder Meeting, AÖB Hasbihal, AÖB Speaking Circle, AÖB Music Recital, Effective Speech Session, Akadder Special Session, Teacher Special Session, Anatolian Federation Migration Meeting, General Administrative Board, Emotion Workshop, Teacher Hasbihal, AÖB Workshop, Secondary Education Show Rehearsal, Secondary Education Youth and the Search for Meaning, AÖB Evaluation, Akaddder Evaluation, Extended General Administrative Board.18. We would like to thank the Anatolian Federation family who participated in the Anatolian Meetings, all the participants who showed great interest, the organization teams and all the volunteers who did not spare their support.